Leovit Gastro Nutritional therapy for gastrointestinal diseases (7 sachets, 6 flavors) 15g x 6pcs

Leovit Gastro Nutritional therapy for gastrointestinal diseases 15g x 6pcs

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This is a set of dietary products for therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition LEOVIT GASTRO, intended as an additional dietary food to the diet recommended by a doctor for a corresponding gastrointestinal disease (gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and functional gastrointestinal diseases) etc.) for the treatment, prevention of exacerbations and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
Puree soup for gastrointestinal diseases (vegetable with herbs and oatmeal) - 2 pcs.
Porridge for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (oatmeal with herbs and flax seed) - 2 pcs.
Cocktail for gastrointestinal diseases (protein-sea buckthorn) - 2 pcs
Healing of the mucous membrane, reducing inflammation.
Reducing pain and healing the mucous membrane.
Epithelization and healing of erosions and cicatricial wounds.
Purposes of Application
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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