Natura Siberica White Active Face Tonic-Exfoliant 200ml

Natura Siberica White Active Face Tonic-Exfoliant 200ml / 6.76oz

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Bleaching Activity TONIC-Exfoliant for FACE
Altai sea buckthorn - this is an exceptional source of vitamins, amino acids, omega - 3,6,9 and rare Omega - 7, which are responsible for the health and beauty of the skin. Seabuckthorn moisturizes, softens the skin, lightening age spots and freckles, fights wrinkles and other skin imperfections.
WH Aquilegia has an antiseptic effect, soothes and refreshes the skin.
Rosehip regenerates the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, nourishes the skin with vitamins, stimulates metabolism, increases immunity of the skin.
AHA provides gentle exfoliating action and stimulates collagen production. With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, it moisturizes the skin, increasing its elasticity, conceals blemishes and reduces wrinkles.
Vitamin PP has lightening properties, restores the protective properties of the skin, deeply moisturizes and restores elasticity of the skin, improving its look and feel.
0% mineral Oils
0% BHT / BHA 0% Parabens
0% PEG 0% silicone
Skin Type
All skin types
Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation
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