Natura Siberica White Hand Cream 75ml

Natura Siberica White Hand Cream 75ml / 2.53oz

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Hand Cream
North Cranberry bleaches freckles and dark spots, softens, smooths the skin, speeding up the metabolism.
WH Snow cladonia restores vitality, nourishes, regulates metabolism, promoting skin regeneration.
With a high content of amino acids, Arctic linseed Oil deeply nourishes and strengthens the skin, prevents dryness and flaking, protects it from wind, cold and rain.
SabiWhite- patented natural active Extract of turmeric root, has confirmed lightening properties:
Visually lightens hyperpigmentation;
Lightens / removes freckles, acne and other skin imperfections;
Visibly brightens and evens skin tone;
Significantly improves the elasticity of the skin;
Deeply nourishes the skin, giving it radiance and even tone
0% mineral Oils
0% BHT / BHA 0% Parabens
0% PEG 0% silicone
Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation

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