Natura Siberica White Hand Scrub 75ml

Natura Siberica White Hand Scrub 75ml / 2.53oz

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Scrub Hand
North Cranberry bleaches freckles and dark spots, softens, smooths the skin, speeding up the metabolism.
WH Siberian Kortuza activates metabolic processes in the skin cells, deeply cleanses and increases resilience.
Calendula has a healing effect, nourishes, softens and soothes the skin.
AHA / BHA provide gentle exfoliating action and stimulate collagen production. With its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, they moisturize and equalize skin, increasing its elasticity and concealing defects
Vitamin PP has lightening properties, restores the protective properties of the skin, deeply moisturizes and restores elasticity of the skin, improving its look and feel.
0% mineral Oils
0% BHT / BHA 0% Parabens
0% PEG 0% silicone
Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation
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