Natura Siberica White Night Face Mask 75ml

Natura Siberica White Night Face Mask 75ml / 2.53oz

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Night Face Mask
Arctic Blackcurrant has natural bleaching properties, lightens freckles and dark spots, accelerates metabolism in the skin cells.
WH Siberian bentgrass activates the synthesis of collagen, strengthens and moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation, leaving the skin soft and tender.
Lemongrass Nanai has the exclusive tonic and adaptogenic action. It enhances the protective functions, stimulates metabolism, renewing and rejuvenating it.
SabiWhite- patented natural active Extract of turmeric root, has confirmed lightening properties:
Visually lightens hyperpigmentation;
Lightens / removes freckles, acne and other skin imperfections;
Visibly lightens skin tone;
Significantly improves the elasticity of the skin;
Deeply nourishes the skin, giving it radiance and even tone
0% mineral Oils
0% BHT / BHA 0% Parabens
0% PEG 0% silicone
Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation
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