Аппликатор Ляпко Валик лицевой М 3,5 Ag

Аппликатор Ляпко Валик лицевой М 3,5 Ag

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$ 17,28

Width: 40 mm, diameter 51 mm
Step (distance between needles) - 3.5 mm
Materials: base - medical rubber, needles - copper, zinc, iron, nickel, silver.
Most often, the Lyapko Face Roller is used for cosmetic facial massage. During the massage, the needles of the applicator affect the vascular system, which stimulates the blood circulation in the tissues, the metabolism, the regeneration of the skin and the improvement of the cells as a whole.
The system facial massage with a mesoscaler allows you to:
Save and restore the oval face shape,
Improve the color and elasticity of the skin,
Prevent the appearance of wrinkles, reduce their number and reduce the depth,
Improves skin tone and reduces body fat
Due to its convenient form, the lyapko applicator is also used for medicinal purposes to apply sensitive and hard-to-reach areas (neck, decollete, intimate areas). It is also possible to handle large muscle groups with this roller (although this is less convenient than the universal Lyapko Roller and the Lyapko Large Roller), joints and limbs, feet and palms.
Instructions for use roller Lyapko Facial
This device is recommended to use before applying cosmetic or massage creams - this enhances their effect.
When processing it is necessary to try to choose a pressing force that would be comfortable for the skin and would not cause pain.
When skin patches appear that differ in color from the entire surface, additional treatment of these patches is necessary.
Duration of procedures:
For stimulation, increase of a tone and working capacity of 7-10 minutes;
For stress relief and hypnotic effect 10-15 minutes.
Course duration:
Standard course 1-2 weeks. Break 1 week
For the cosmetic effect of 12 courses per year.
With chronic diseases from 15 courses per year.
Overdose is not possible! If the roller has a beneficial effect on your body, you can use it daily.
All contraindications are relative and must be treated individually. Lyapko's applicator is not recommended for use with:
Pustular skin diseases in areas where application is planned;
Acute skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, herpes, etc.)
Hirsutism (male hair sprouting in women)
Fungal diseases Cuperose (Vascular plaques and asterisks)
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