Natura Siberica Biberika معجون أسنان نعناع بارد 3+ 50 مل

ناتورا سيبيريكا Biberika معجون أسنان نعناع بارد 3+ 50 مل

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3.07 $

Your beloved baby needs reverent care and tender care! Give him the best that nature gives us. Children's toothpaste with a mild mint flavor will please your baby and help him get into the habit of regular brushing. Thanks to the special formula it cleans well without damaging the enamel structure and effectively prevents tooth decay. Natural ingredients contained in the toothpaste, no harm to the child's body if accidentally swallowed. Organic peppermint extract ensures reliable prevention of oral diseases and freshens breath. Organic Siberian mountain ash extract prevents the development of cavities and tartar. Organic fir oil has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens tooth enamel.
Brush teeth in the presence of adults with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
INCI: Glycerin, Aqua, Silica, Xylitol, Sodium CoCo-Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Sarrageenan, Mentha Piperita Leaf Water*OF (organic mint extract), Sorbus Sibirica Export*OF (organic extract of Siberian mountain ash), Abies Sibirica Oil* (organic fir oil), Melissa Officinalis Leaf Export*OF (organic melissa extract), Pinus Sibirica Needle Export* (organic cedar extract), Aroma, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Сholoringhull, Maltodextrin, Citrix ACid.
* - organic ingredients.
OF - organic extracts of plants grown on our organic farm in the Altai region.
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