Mi&ko Масло для тела Шик от растяжек СOSMOS ORGANIC 60мл

Miandko Body oil Chic for stretch marks COSMOS ORGANIC 60ml

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8.00 $

We have collected the most reputable oils for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks: rose hips, shea, almonds, jojoba, wheat germ. The result is such a gentle and hypoallergenic oil that expectant mothers are simply delighted - as are their babies! Yes, yes, before you is a 100% natural remedy that is suitable for nourishing and protecting the skin of your crumbs from the first months of life. Let this be your first shared jar!
Main active ingredients
Shea butter is the undisputed leader in stretch mark prevention. This is an excellent care oil with a mass of valuable fatty acids. Heals damage, smoothes existing stretch marks and protects against aggressive environmental influences.
Jojoba oil is one of the richest cosmetic vegetable oils and an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. Easily and completely absorbed, nourishing and regenerating the skin. Forms a protective breathable film on the surface.
Rosehip seed oil is distinguished by its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, preventing the appearance of scars, scars and stretch marks. Actively restores, maintains an optimal level of moisture, slows down the aging process and photoaging. Gives a healthy glow to the skin.
Sweet almond oil is a light nourishing oil rich in vitamins (E, A, F, group B). It starts the recovery processes in the dermis, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, and prevents congestion.
Wheat germ oil is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable nutrients for baby's skin. Thanks to high concentrations of vitamin E, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, softens, heals and enhances antioxidant protection. Many mothers successfully use this oil to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
Sage and Macleia extracts are natural, 100% safe preservatives.
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Rosehip Seed Oil, Macleia Extract, Sage Extract.
Application: Take a small amount of oil and melt it in your hands, apply the oil with light massage movements on the skin.
Can be used for massage and facial skin care.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
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