RICHE Масло праймер под макияж Жасмин + Вербена 25мл

RICHE Super glow primer oil Perfect tone 25ml / 0.84 oz

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12.51 $

Primer oil is ideal for fixing makeup, helps to eliminate visible imperfections, evens out tone and protects the skin from adverse environmental influences.
Thanks to the competent combination of natural pomegranate and jasmine seed oils with kelp extract, the primer evens out the tone and texture of the skin, preparing it for makeup application.
Jojoba and argan oils deeply nourish the skin, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smooth fine lines and improve skin condition.
Extracts of magnolia vine, nutmeg and geranium essential oil help to rejuvenate and strengthen the skin of the face, protecting it from premature aging.
Lemon verbena essential oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it effectively fights against excessive oiliness of the skin.
Apply a few drops to cleansed, toned and hydrated skin. Spread the product evenly over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Wipe off the excess with a tissue.
Inci: peach seeds oil, dicapril carbonate, argan oil, coco capriclate, jozhoba oil, grenade bones, alcohol oil, jasmine essential oil, gasolinzoate gasoline oil, laminaria extract, chinoma extract, chinese lemoon extract, nutmeg extract, extract, extractist extract. AMARANTH, GERANIA ESSENTIAL OIL, RESVERATROL.
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