The Act Hand and nail oil 20ml / 0.67oz

The Act Hand and nail oil 20ml / 0.67oz

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17.71 $


Weightless, easily absorbed gel The Act does not leave a greasy film and has a neutral, pleasant aroma.
And its composition is a concentrate of natural benefits.

Sweet almond oil soothes, relieves irritation and improves elasticity.
Canola and olive oils moisturize and retain moisture inside the skin, nourishing its deep layers.
Rosehip oil is a rich source of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

The product is ideal both after a fresh manicure and before bed, after a soothing hand bath or as a means to massage the palms and fingers.

Ingredients: Brassica Napus Seed Oil, Capryic Triglyceride, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Olea Europaea Fruit Oil, Fragnance, Isopropyl Myristate, Glycine Soja Oil, Carthamus Tinctorius(Safflower) Seed Oil, Verbena Officinalis Leaf Extract, Basibolol, Linoleic Acid, Tocopheryl Acetate, Retinyl Palmitate, Phenoxythanol.

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