NL Отбеливающая зубная паста с цинком Sklaer White 75мл

NL Sklaer White Whitening toothpaste 75ml

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5.29 $


Toothpaste, free from fluorine, parabens, SLS and dyes, effectively cleans plaque from the teeth, carefully whitens enamel, suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria and normalizes bacterial flora of the oral cavity.

  • Lemon extract carefully whitens your enamel.
  • Sorbitol suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, normalizes the salivary pH level after meals and stimulates saliva production. Saliva, in turn, promotes the natural remineralization of tooth enamel.
  • Xylitol destroys harmful bacteria, normalizes salivary microflora, decreases early caries lesions, prevents the development of caries at an initial stage and strengthens the enamel.
  • Silicon dioxide is a mild abrasive that helps to clean the teeth without damaging enamel.
  • Menthol gives a long-lasting fresh breath effect.

Aqua, Sorbitol, Hydrated Silica, Glycerin, Sodium Сoco-Sulfate, Cellulose Gum, Xylitol, Benzyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Laurate, Aroma, Zinc Oxide, Citrus Limon Extract, Sodium Saccharin, Menthol.

Active components: lemon extract, xylitol, sorbitol and menthol.

Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on a toothbrush and brush your teeth for 2–3 minutes, sweeping the bristles away from your gums. Brush your teeth twice a day and after meals.

Suitable for daily use.


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