MitoVitan Сыворотка для лица Антиоксидантная омолаживающая 30мл

مصل ميتوفيتان أكتيف SkQ1 سكولاشيف أيون 30 مل

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45.00 $

6.2 mcg/ml
MitoVitan® Serum prevents the formation of superficial, fine and mimic wrinkles, reduces the visibility of existing ones, allows the skin to look well-groomed and young, has a regenerating, protective and soothing effect, and reduces skin irritation.
Main active ingredient
The composition of the care includes a unique component - the antioxidant SkQ1. The SkQ1 molecule was developed at Lomonosov Moscow University. It combines many years of work of biologists and the power of the most powerful antioxidant from plant chloroplasts - plastoquinone. The special structure of the SkQ1 antioxidant, which includes the Skulachev ion, allows the molecule to penetrate into the most inaccessible place in the cell - mitochondria, where it neutralizes excess free radicals, thereby slowing down age-related changes (including inflammation) of the skin at the intracellular level. The target of the SkQ1 molecule is the so-called. inflaming - age-related skin changes associated with an increase in inflammation. SkQ1 fights it at the intracellular level, keeping the skin young.
Additional active ingredients
The MitoVitan® serum formula includes an additional component AquaxylTM, which equalizes water balance, due to which the serum moisturizes and softens the skin, evens out the relief and returns the skin to a radiant and rested appearance.
MitoVitan® can be used in the morning and/or evening as a base preparation under other cosmetic care products, as well as a stand-alone cosmetic product (beautician should be consulted). The serum has a pleasant texture, is easily absorbed, leaving no residue (stickiness). MitoVitan® can be used continuously or as a course.
The recommended duration of the course is three months.
INCI: Water, isopentyldiol, AquaxylTM (xylithyl glycoside, anhydroxylitol, xylitol), propylene glycol, sodium polyacrylate, ethylhexylglycerin, lactic acid, plastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium chloride (mitochondrial antioxidant SkQ1).

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