PROFKA Expert Cosmetology ULTRA CALMING Lotion with Aloe Vera Gel and Licorice 200ml

PROFKA Expert Cosmetology ULTRA CALMING Lotion with Aloe Vera Gel and Licorice 200ml

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8.67 $

Professional lotion for skin treatment after manual or hardware cleaning, as well as other hardware procedures in order to relieve discomfort and restore the natural balance of moisture and pH of the skin. Improves the condition of the skin after intensive exposure to cosmetic devices and manual equipment, moisturizes, helps to reduce pores. Non-comedogenic.
- Aloe vera gel, a super-source of nutrients related to our skin, has a softening and healing effect on the skin. It is especially valued for the content of polysaccharides, which give a significant moisturizing effect, forming an invisible film on the surface that attracts water molecules and prevents moisture from evaporating. Soothes and softens the effect of cleansing tools on the skin.
- Licorice root extract has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. The glycyrrhizin contained in the extract relieves puffiness and erythema (redness) of the skin, similar to hydrocortisone, a popular pharmaceutical hormonal remedy. At the same time, it is a 100% natural remedy without contraindications and addiction. The active substances in licorice prevent the synthesis of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is responsible for the production of melanin, thus brightening pigment spots and helping to even out skin tone.
How to use: Apply to clean skin after hardware exposure, or manual cleaning, or peeling, until completely absorbed. Do not rinse.
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