RICHE Milky Rice Pantenol Biome Tonic Aloe-Effective + Bifida + Ceramide 118ml / 3.99oz

RICHE Milky Rice Pantenol Derma Tonic Aloe-Effective + Ceramide 118ml / 3.99oz

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12.14 $


Rice tonic with a high content of panthenol (5%) is an intensely soothing remedy that quickly copes with irritation, redness, dryness, tightness and itching of the skin.

Soothes irritation, redness and itching of the skin
Deeply moisturizes and prevents moisture loss
Restores skin microbiome and protective barrier

Apply a small amount of tonic to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Without waiting for complete absorption, proceed to the next stage of care.

Suitable for daily use for all skin types.

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