Горный чистотел бальзам 15мл

Mountain celandine balm 15ml

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2.00 $

Mountain celandine balm improves the reverse development of such skin pathologies as psoriatic plaques, allergic dermatosis, calluses. With itchy dermatoses, celandine oil helps to reduce itching and other discomfort. In dentistry, celandine oil optimizes the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, aphthous stomatitis.
Active ingredients: fresh celandine juice, gentian, golden rhododendron, spear-shaped cocoa;
Indications: cosmetic defects - warts, dry calluses and papillomas
The drug has a pungent odor. Be careful - do not let the drug get into the eyes and mucous membranes!
The drug is applied with a plastic stick or a match (the area of the tip of the stick should be less than the size of the treated skin defect). If the area of the papilloma or wart is much larger, wrap the tip of the plastic stick with cotton.
DURATION OF THE PROCEDURE: on the face and neck - 7-10 minutes, on the body - 10-12 minutes. Additionally, wet the stick when dry.
PAPILLOMAS AND DRY corns: Apply 2 times a day for 2-10 days. During the procedure, it is possible to secrete an ichorus.
WARTS: Apply once a day for 2-3 days. Before each procedure, steam them in hot water and carefully remove dead skin.
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