Peptides Anti-age complex NB - Activity - Antiglycant and collagen activator 50ml / 1.69 oz

مركب الببتيدات المضاد للشيخوخة NB - النشاط - مضاد الغليكان ومنشط الكولاجين 50 مل

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55.00 $

Beverage concentrate to replenish the energy of the body, a super professional in the fight against age-related changes: protects the body from glycation and free radicals, improves metabolism, memory, improves efficiency and concentration, helps to cope with mental and physical fatigue, insomnia, strengthens joints; improves the appearance of the skin (fights wrinkles and other imperfections).
to fight the signs of aging in the body
to stimulate regeneration processes
to improve mental and physicalactivity
to restore collagen in the body
for antioxidant protection of the body
to prevent glycation processes
to restore youthfulness and elasticity to the skin
to keep the joints working
Ingredients: Glycerol, hematococcus extract (astaxanthin), barley extract (contains superoxide dismutase), extract of ginseng roots, alpha-lipoic acid, rosemary herb extract, xanthan gum, lemon acid, potassium sorbate (preservative), natural sweetener steviazid, peptide complex AA-9, peptide complex AA-3.
How to apply: Twenty-five drops of concentrate dissolved in 100 ml of clean water at room temperature.
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