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فيورجون-37 (ينشط عمليات التمثيل الغذائي في الجسم) 30 مل

فيورجون-37 (ينشط عمليات التمثيل الغذائي في الجسم) 30 مل

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12.86 $


Composition: 1 ml of sterile solution contains: demineralized water 0.1±0.01 mg CaCI2 and 10-9-10-10 mg of protein-peptide complex, adrenal medulla of young bulls.

Substance (tissue bioregulator): Adrenal medulla tissue of cattle (Bos Taurus).

Activates metabolic processes in the body;
Stimulates cardiac activity, helps increase the force of heart contractions, restores the conductivity of cardiac nerve fibers;
Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of the bile ducts and gall bladder;
Stimulates catabolic processes in the body;
Reduces the tone of smooth muscles in the trachea and bronchi, suppresses the parasympathetic effect in bronchial asthma;
Increases the speed of thought processes, intelligence.
Increases the tone of the urinary bladder sphincter; Has a regulatory effect on dopamine receptors of neurons, which play an important role in the functioning of the central nervous system.

5-15 drops of the bioregulator under the tongue at least 10 minutes before meals or 10 minutes after meals.
Dissolve 10 drops of the preparation in 100 ml of water (half a glass), mix thoroughly and take the solution several times during the day.
— It is recommended to take each Viorgon at least 2 times a day.
— Two or more Viorgons cannot be mixed in one volume.
— The time interval between taking the preparations is 5-10 minutes.

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