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Suppositories Chanterelle antiparasitic 10pcs x 2.2g

Suppositories Chanterelle antiparasitic 10pcs x 2.2g

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23.96 $


The spores and pulp of the Chanterelle mushroom contain a unique substance - chinomannose, which is not tolerated by helminths of all types.
Currently, more than 300 helminthic diseases are known, which are caused mainly by 2 types of worms - round (nematodes) and flat (cestodes). Parasites secrete toxins, destroy the human body, limit the possibilities of vital activity. The most common helminthic diseases are intestinal: enterobiasis (pinworms) and ascariasis (roundworms). Children are most often parasitized by roundworms - roundworms, pinworms, whipworms.
Chinomannose. The action of this substance is fundamentally different from synthetic anthelmintic drugs: it does not poison helminths, but penetrates the mucous membrane and causes a blockage of the nerve centers of helminths, as a result of which there is no damaging effect on vital human organs. Unlike anthelmintic drugs, chinomannose partially dissolves the shells of worm eggs, thereby destroying numerous clutches of helminth eggs. Chinomannose is a heat-sensitive substance, it does not tolerate heat treatment - it is destroyed after heating to 60 degrees. When cold salting chanterelles, sodium salt destroys chinomannose.
Indications: helminth infection, obesity, hemangiomas, cirrhosis, hepatitis, fungal.
Apply rectally 1 suppository every 1-2 days at night (as recommended by a specialist). The course is 2-3 months.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, not indicated for use in children under 10 years of age.

Ingredients: cocoa butter (white fraction) 98%; common chanterelle mushroom (Cantharellus cibarius) 2%

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