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فيوفتان-4 (الإصابات المؤلمة، ضمور الشبكية) 15 مل

فيوفتان-4 (الإصابات المؤلمة، ضمور الشبكية) 15 مل

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12.86 $


Composition: 1 ml of sterile solution contains: demineralized water 8.5±0.5 mg NaCI; 0.1±0.01 mg CaCI2 and 10-8-10-9 mg of protein-peptide complex isolated from the tissue of the retinal pigment epithelium of young bulls.

Source of bioregulator isolation: Retinal pigment epithelium

Promotes the restoration of the function of retinal pigment cells, photoreceptors, and interphotoreceptor matrix.
Has a protective effect on the cellular sources of retinal regeneration - Müller glia, bipolar cells, amacrine cells (together with Vioftan 3).
Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the vitreous body of the eyeball.
Restores the hematoretinal barrier, regulating the synthesis and functions of the melanin pigment.
Inhibits the formation of lipofuscin (aging pigment).
Vioftans are instilled into the eyes 1-2 drops, 2-4-6 times depending on the condition.

Different Vioftans are instilled with an interval of at least 10 minutes

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