• جديد
فيوفتان-7 (الجلوكوما، الاستجماتيزم، التهاب القزحية والجسم الهدبي) 15 مل

فيوفتان-7 (الجلوكوما، الاستجماتيزم، التهاب القزحية والجسم الهدبي) 15 مل

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12.86 $


Composition: 1 ml of sterile solution contains: demineralized water 8.5±0.5 mg NaCI; 0.1±0.01 mg CaCI2 and 10-7-10-8 mg of protein-peptide complex isolated from the tissue of the ciliary body of the eyes of young bulls.

Source of bioregulator isolation: Ciliary body

Restoring the structure and function of the ciliary body,
Normalizes the production of intraocular fluid,
Regulates the circulation of intraocular fluid in the angle of the anterior chamber.
Improves the functioning of the ciliary muscle, responsible for the accommodation of the lens.
Vioftans are instilled into the eyes 1-2 drops, 2-4-6 times depending on the condition.

Different Vioftans are instilled at intervals of at least 10 minutes

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