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فيوفتان-10 (الإصابات المؤلمة، الجلوكوما) 15 مل

فيوفتان-10 (الإصابات المؤلمة، الجلوكوما) 15 مل

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12.86 $


Composition: 1 ml of sterile solution contains: demineralized water 8.5±0.5 mg NaCI; 0.1±0.01 mg CaCI2 and 10-10-10-11 mg of protein-peptide complex isolated from the tissue of the optic nerve of the eye of young bulls.

Source of bioregulator isolation: Optic nerve

Has a regulatory effect on the homeostasis of the cells of the optic nerve,
Prevents the development of destructive processes in the optic nerve in glaucoma, retinopathy and macular degeneration, trauma, intoxication (as well as chemotherapy), after radiation therapy.
Promotes the restoration and improvement of metabolic processes in nerve tissues, as well as the restoration of neural connections.
Vioftans are instilled into the eyes 1-2 drops, 2-4-6 times depending on the condition.

Different Vioftans are instilled at intervals of no less than 10 minutes.

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