NL Carbo Light Cherry 15 x 30g

NL Carbo Light Cherry 15 x 30g

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Carbo Light Cherry is a cocktail with an optimal composition, created specifically to complement a low-carb diet. The amino acid complex helps optimize carbohydrate and fat metabolism, which means reducing the need for simple carbohydrates. An enhanced and supplemented complex of anti-stress components helps maintain a stable psycho-emotional state during a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbo Light Cherry can easily replace any snack or favorite dessert. Minimum calories, easy to prepare, balanced formula to complement a low-carb diet!
Complex of amino acids - to optimize carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, converting fats into energy.
Optimized composition of carbohydrates - per serving of the finished cocktail there is only 2.5 g of carbohydrates from vegetable, berry and fruit juices. No added carbohydrates.
Complex fats - to restore the nervous system, improve memory, maintain the health and beauty of skin, hair, and nails.
Antioxidants - to protect cells and slow down the aging process.
Fiber and enzymes - to improve digestion.
Increased content of anti-stress components - to reduce psycho-emotional stress when following a diet with a low carbohydrate content.

Purposes of Application
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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