KLEONA Evening oil - light aroma-body oil 100ml

KLEONA Evening oil - light aroma-body oil 100ml / 3.38oz

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Easy natural remedy with exquisite refreshing floors will greatly prepare you for an unforgettable summer evening. Quickly restore the skin after the sun and bathing in sea (chlorinated) water. Eliminate unwanted redness and peeling. Restore elasticity. Moisturizes will continue for a long time. It will make the skin smooth, soft, gentle for touches. Skinny Skinny Sensual Pleasant Multifaceted Fragrance Vanilla.
Composition: Olive oil, rice oil, Grape oil, corn oil, Oil green tea extract, Tomato seed oil with a normalized liquor content, Vitamin E, Omega-3 and Omega -6 acids, orange essential oil, Muscat's essential oil, lavender essential oil, natural vanilla extract, Limonen, Mentilllactate.
Method of application: A small amount of oil to put on the palm and easy massage movements for clean and well-wetted massage movements. skin. It is recommended to apply after the shower.
Contraindications: Individual intolerance and allergic reactions to milk components.
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