BioMio Baby BIO-SOAP Natural with Shea Butter 90g

BioMio Baby BIO-SOAP Natural with Shea Butter 90g

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Free of: PEGs, dyes, synthetic fragrances, EDTA, animal products, mineral oils
Natural baby soap in the shape of a sheep BioMio Baby BIO-SOAP is intended for use from the very first days of life. It contains shea butter and provitamin B5, which moisturize, nourish and soften the skin. Silver ions and bisabolol impart antibacterial properties. Sage water soothes irritated skin. The most delicate biomimetic foam cleanses from head to toe, without disturbing the natural lipid layer, and after rinsing it does not leave a film, dryness and tightness. Perfect for baby's skin!

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