Renewal Nicotinic acid for hair 10mg/ml 5ml 10ampoules

Renewal Nicotinic acid for hair 10mg/ml 5ml 10ampoules

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Ingredients: Nicotinic acid 10 mg/ml, sodium bicarbonate,
purified water.
Nicotinic acid is a vitamin necessary for the body for oxidative reactions, metabolism, hydrogen transport, tissue respiration, biosynthesis and glipogenolysis.
When applied to the scalp, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) dilates peripheral blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, improves the transport of oxygen and beneficial microelements, enhances metabolic processes in tissues, which prevents hair loss and stimulates accelerated growth.
How to use: Open the dropper tube immediately before use.
Apply the contents of the dropper tube to the scalp, evenly distributing the product over the entire surface of the scalp with massaging movements immediately after washing. Do not wash off the applied product
Slight tingling and redness of the scalp after applying the product is due to increased microcirculation and is normal.
Use the product once every 3 days. The recommended course is 14 procedures.
The course can be repeated once every 3 months.

Nicotinic acid included in the product with regular use:
awakens dormant hair follicles and promotes hair growth by stimulating microcirculation;
restores and regenerates damaged bulbs;
prevents hair loss by strengthening the roots and counteracting the compaction of collagen around the hair root;
promotes the production of melanin - a pigment that makes curls shiny, preserves their color, and prevents premature graying.
Does not dry out the skin after repeated use, as proven by dermatological tests.

If symptoms appear, characterized by severe burning and redness of the scalp, wash off the applied product.
Further use of the product should be discontinued.

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Keep away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life - 5 years.


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