KLEONA Soft Cleansing Gel Rose 150ml

KLEONA Soft Cleansing Gel Rose 150ml / 5.07oz

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Gently cleanses, effectively removes make-up and impurities in one go. Maintains the natural moisture of the skin. Softens, gives a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Neutralizes the drying effect of hard and chlorinated water. Suitable for daily use.
Water, rose hydrolate, beetroot betaine, vegetable glycerin, sodium cocoglucoside, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium cocosulfate, glyceryl oleate, meadowsweet (Filipéndula) extract, Veronica officinalis (Verónica officinalis) extract, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, Japanese honeysuckle extract, rose essential oil, fennel extract, cardamom extract, rosewood essential oil, aloe vera extract.
Squeeze the required amount of gel onto wet palms, lather, spread the foam over the face with light circular massage movements, thoroughly rinse with water.
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