KLEONA Cleansing Foam Rose 150ml

KLEONA Cleansing Foam Rose 150ml / 5.07oz

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Gently cleanses the skin of the face and the area around the eyes from make-up. Evens out complexion, has a calming and regenerating effect, creates a feeling of comfort. Gives skin softness and velvety. Neutralizes the adverse effects on the skin of hard and chlorinated water. Suitable for daily use. Easily rinsed off.
Deionized water, rose hydrolate, apple hydrolate, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, decylglucoside, sodium pyroglutamate (Sodium PCA), polyglyceryl-2-dipolyhydroxystearate, rose hip extract, vegetable glycerin, citric acid, Japanese honeysuckle extract, rose essential oil damask, cococaprylate, comfrey extract (contains allantoin), chamomile extract (contains bisabolol).
two clicks are enough to cleanse the face and around the eyes. Apply foam to wet skin and gently massage along the massage lines, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat if necessary. After washing off the foam, wipe the skin with a hydrolate or tonic and apply a care product.
If the washing technique is followed, it can be used for eyelash extensions.
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