Mi&Ko Spray-conditioner for reducing dark hair 100ml

Mi&Ko Spray-conditioner for reducing dark hair 100ml / 3.38oz

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Honeysuckle and oak bark extracts are excellent antibacterial and antiseptic agents. Treat damage to the scalp, heal inflammation and wounds.
Walnut extract has a slight toning effect. Preserves the color of dyed hair, preventing it from washing out quickly.
Nettle extract relieves skin itching, eliminates dandruff, stimulates hair growth.
Hop extract strengthens hair, fights dandruff and prevents its further appearance.
Rosemary extract is a powerful antioxidant. It improves hair growth, prevents hair loss, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Lactic acid moisturizes the hair, stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis of the scalp.
Essential oils:
Atlas cedar gives strength and elasticity to the hair. Effectively cleanses the scalp with seborrhea, eliminates hair loss.
Lemon regulates the fat content of the scalp, restores blood circulation, gives hair shine and radiance.
Patchouli and vetiver have a tonic effect on the scalp, prevent hair loss, relieve dandruff and inflammation.
Ingredients: artesian water, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, broccoli oil, rosemary hydrolate, galactoarabinan, honeysuckle extract, glycerin*, lactic acid, guar gum, lemon essential oil, patchouli essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, rosemary shoot extract, nettle extract, leaf extract walnut, oak bark extract, Atlas cedar essential oil, horse chestnut fruit extract, hop extract, rosemary essential oil, vetiver essential oil.
Application: Either spray a small amount of the product on the surface of the hair, or apply it in the palm of your hand and distribute it through the hair. Do not rinse. Dry in any convenient way. Do not use in case of intolerance to components.
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