Mi&Ko Dry shampoo for dark hair 20g

Mi&Ko Dry shampoo for dark hair 20g

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cleansing hair without washing? This is already a well-known truth, but can dry shampoo not only cleanse, but also be useful? We answer yes!
Kaolin, or otherwise white clay, envelops the hair and collects excess sebum and impurities. Thanks to what hair become more pure and the additional volume is given.
Tea tree essential oil relieves itching and has an antibacterial effect
Atlas cedar and eucalyptus essential oils help fight dandruff
Bergamot essential oil normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates flaking of the scalp
Ingredients: Corn starch, kaolin, red illite clay, magnesium carbonate, essential oils of lavender, Atlas cedar, cypress, tea tree, eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, green tangerine, camphor, menthol.
Application: Apply dry shampoo to hair or palms and distribute evenly over the entire length of the hair. Then comb your hair with a comb so that there is no powder left on them. Avoid contact with clothing.
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