Rinfoltil liposomal complex for women capsules 207mg 60pcs

Rinfoltil liposomal complex for women capsules 207mg 60pcs

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Biologically active food supplement Rinfoltil for women is obtained using innovative liposomal technology.
Liposomes are microscopic spheres:
the shell consists of phosphatidylcholine - the main structural component of the membranes of body cells;
have a unique specific structure, providing high safety and bioavailability of biologically active substances;
a composition of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and plant extracts specially balanced for women with the help of liposomes is delivered to the body with minimal losses and promotes hair growth;
dwarf palm extract reduces the activity of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, blocks the formation of dihydrotestosterone and prevents hair loss.
INCI: capsule shell (gelatin), lactose monohydrate, lipoid C 100 (phospholipids), saw palmetto extract, L-cysteine, green tea leaf dry extract, sodium chloride, silicon dioxide, vitamin C, iron bisglycinate, pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid zinc salt, L-lysine , tris, vitamin B3, vitamin E, vitamin B5, copper bisglycinate, selenium, vitamin B7, vitamin D3
Recommendations for the use of the product:
adults 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Duration of admission - 1 month. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.
Product scope:
as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins B3, B5, B7, C, D3, E, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, containing phytosterols, caffeine, L-cysteine, L-lysine.
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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