Rinfoltil Silex Silicon Hair Lotion for Women Anti hair loss 10ml x 10pcs

Rinfoltil Silex Silicon Hair Lotion for Women Anti hair loss 10ml / 0.33oz x 10pcs

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The new innovative Silex Complex with organic silicon will help to breathe life and restore beauty to fading hair. This unique formula is the result of 10 years of research. Often visible hair loss is caused by more than just hair loss. Weak brittle hair when combing and styling can break at the base or along the entire length, creating the appearance of falling out. Such hair needs radical strengthening, which will help the Rinfoltil Sileks series of products.
Silicon is the most important component necessary for the full formation of keratin, which makes up 90% of the hair. Long silicon molecules play the role of a flexible skeleton on which keratin rests. Silicon perfectly retains moisture, which gives thickness and natural shine to hair. With its lack, the hair becomes thin, dry and brittle, begins to exfoliate. Silex Complex with organic silicon professionally approaches the problem of dry, thin and brittle hair.
The lotion is available in two forms: in a bottle and in vials (ampoules).
You need Rinfoltil Silex if:
- you want to slow down the process of hair loss,
- you have noticed the first signs of alopecia,
- you have noticed the first signs and symptoms of hair loss,
- You have noticed that the hair on your head has begun to thin,
- You want to increase the shine and elasticity of your hair,
- Your hair is prone to dryness, electrified.
- Your hair is brittle and brittle,
- Your hair is prone to falling out,
- Your hair needs to be strengthened
Apply 3 times a week. Open the vial by breaking off the top along the white line. Put the dispenser on the vial. Apply the contents of the vial to clean scalp. Massage gently until the solution is absorbed into the skin. The solution leaves no traces on the hair after drying, has a light, vegetable smell. Do not rinse off the preparation and do not wet the hair for 5-6 hours after application. The duration of the course is 3-4 months continuously. Be sure to wash your hands after each use.
Denatured alcohol, water, anagellin (white sweet lupine extract), Serenoa repens dwarf palm fruit extract, millet glycol extract, horsetail glycol extract, clary sage extract, perfume fragrance.
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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