Astragalus cell juice with chitosan MIX 12 TIGER® is a powerful tonic and anti-aging complex.
Astragalus fills with strength and energy, contains anti-aging components that support the length of chromosome telomeres and activate other functions of the body.
Our genes in the form of DNA are densely packed into chromosomes. Chromosomes have protective caps, somewhat similar to aglets on shoelaces. Just as aglets help the shoelaces stay in place and keep their shape, telomeres support the structure and function of chromosomes. With each cell division, they are shortened, therefore, with age, the stability of chromatin, chromosomes is lost and, in general, DNA functions are disrupted, which leads to aging.
In the second half of the 20th century, the telomerase enzyme was discovered, capable of activating telomeres and restoring their length. All cells of the human body can be divided into two large clusters - somatic cells and gonocytes (sex cells). The former build our body, while the latter prepare the DNA to pass on to offspring. In somatic cells, telomerase is “off” by default and does not support telomere regeneration, which is one of the mechanisms for limiting the duration of cell function. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, scientists were actively looking for molecules that could stimulate somatic cell telomerase in order to prolong the active phase of human life. As a result, one of the best natural sources of telomerase activators, astragalus, was found. The plant was widely used in ancient civilizations and still occupies an important place in traditional Chinese medicine.
MIX 12 TIGER® is an excellent daily remedy with astragalus extract to improve overall tone and quality of life. It has a beneficial effect on the body of a modern urban dweller, increases the energy potential and extends the duration of the active period of life.
- accelerates the recovery and regeneration of tissues after injuries and increased physical exertion;
- Helps control appetite
– prevents atherosclerosis and supports the functions of the cardiovascular system;
- has oncoprotective properties: stops the accelerated shortening of telomeres of immune cells against the background of infections and active growth of tumors;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect by increasing IL-10 (the main anti-inflammatory interleukin);
- increases the body's resistance to viral infections through increased thymus function and cellular immunity;
– protects against aging by activating telomerase and modulating thymus function;
- gives a tangible surge of strength and energy as a powerful energy booster.
The technology of complex LTECH extraction (Low Temperature Extraction under condition of Cytoplasmic Hydrolysis) used in the manufacture of the product, together with chitosan, significantly increases the bioavailability of the components of MIX 12 TIGER®. And complex molecular combinations of the active ingredients of astragalus with chains of various lengths of low molecular weight chitosan bring its transport capabilities to a new level.
Method of application: inside 1 tablespoon 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach in its pure form or diluted in 100 ml of water at room temperature. Shake before use.
Ingredients: LTECH extract of astragalus membranous (Astragalus propinquus), LTECH extract of low molecular weight water-soluble chitosan, extract of Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum).