Iodoxide suppositories Povidone - Iodine 10pcs

Iodoxide suppositories Povidone - Iodine 10pcs

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Antiseptic drug. Blocks amino groups of cellular proteins. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Active against bacteria (including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus), fungi, viruses, protozoa.

The active substance of the drug - iodine - is in the form of a complex with polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone), which belongs to iodophors that bind iodine. The concentration of active iodine is 0.1-1%.

Upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes, iodine is gradually and evenly released, exerting a bactericidal effect on microorganisms.

A thin colored layer remains at the site of application, which remains until all the iodine is released.

Suction and distribution

When povidone-iodine comes into contact with the mucous membrane, iodine may be absorbed and its content in the blood may increase (the concentration returns to its original value 7-14 days after the last use of the drug).

In patients with normal thyroid function, increased iodine absorption does not cause significant changes in thyroid hormonal function.

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