Evalar Shilajit (Mumiyo) Golden Altai purified 200 tablets

Evalar Shilajit (Mumiyo) Golden Altai purified 200 tablets

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Golden Shilajit from Evalar is a 100% purified Altai Shilajit, made according to the original technology, which allows maximum preservation of active substances: vitamins, amino acids and more than 30 micro and macro elements with high bioavailability. The real gold standard of the Altai shilajit!
Purified golden mummy Altai contributes to:
maintaining the normal state of bone tissue;
increase the body's defenses.
Recommendations for use
Adults and children over 14 years old - 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Duration of admission - 1 month, with bone injuries - up to 2 months.

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