Fresh Life Chitosan Complex Active + 50ml

Green Voice Chitosan Complex Active + 50ml / 1.69oz

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Chitosan complex “Active +” from Fresh Life is a water-soluble mixture of low molecular weight chitosan derivatives (chitosan hydrolysates) of various molecular weights, each of which, depending on the size and size of the molecule, exhibits its own specific effect on the human body.

Hepatoprotector, promotes the growth and reproduction of healthy liver cells, hepatocytes, stimulates restoration of the liver structure, prevents bile stagnation;
Improves the composition and quality of bile, removes excess bile and bile acids;
Accelerates metabolism, affecting all types of metabolism, promotes weight loss;
Reduces low-density cholesterol levels, normalizing blood cholesterol levels.
Reduces blood glucose levels;
Normalizes intestinal microflora, serving as a breeding ground for bifidobacteria and lactobacteria. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora. Improves cavity, parietal and membrane digestion. Cleanses the intestinal walls, binding waste and toxins;
Effective in the fight against bacterial film;
Normalizes blood pressure;
Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the formation of immunoglobulins, endogenous interferon and cytokines. Stimulates phagocytic activity, increases the production of lysozyme and nitric oxide;
Increases the absorption of vitamins and microelements many times over;
Strengthens bone tissue and nails, helps restore connective tissue in joints.

Composition: Chitosan oligosaccharides of different molecular weights (+- 70-100 varieties), in ion-bound form, acid residues: ascorbic acid (chitosan ascorbate), succinic acid (chitosan succinate), lactic acid (chitosan lactate).

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