Peptides Canacor for the heart and blood vessels 120ml

Peptides Canacor for the heart and blood vessels 120ml / 4.05oz

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The complex medicine supporting activity of heart and a condition of vessels at optimum physiological level. Improves a cycle of tissue respiration in a myocardium and increases its resistance to ischemia. Reduces the frequency of arrhythmia attacks. Promotes normalization of rheological properties of blood. Increases elasticity of arteries and capillaries. Reduces load on the myocardium.
coronary heart disease,
increased coagulability of blood,
pathological fragility of vessels,
arterial hypertension,
myocardites of various genesis,
heart attack and cerebral thrombosis prevention.
Water, apple juice concentrate, fructose, taurine, nicotinamide (vitamin PP), arginine, hawthorn extract, dihydroquercetin, white willow bark extract, nettle extract, preservatives: potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate.
Recommended as a source of taurine, niacinamide and dihydroquercetin.
How to apply:
Adults and children older 14 years by 1 teaspoon (5,2) once a day with meal. Duration of reception is 1 month. 3-4 repeated receptions within a year are possible. Natural deposit is acceptable. Shake well before use.
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