Peptides Complex 3R antioxidant protection 30 x 0.25g

Peptides Complex 3R antioxidant protection 30 x 0.25g

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Nowadays healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, fitness and various medicines, which are slowing down aging on the cellular level, are very popular. The best trade tendencies are found in anti-age practice today. One of them in Russia and Europe became application of antioxidants and membranostabilizators.
Traditionally, till today emphasis was placed generally on separate substances. Therefore, NPCRIZ has come to a conclusion that there is nothing better, than uniting three most powerful antioxidants, membranostabilizator and a geroprotector in one medicine. The geroprotector 'Complex-3R' is solving a set of problems thanks to existence of such powerful antioxidants as dihydroquercetin, resveratrol and coenzyme Q10 in the composition.
immunodeficiencies of various genesis,
frequent viral diseases,
violations of lipidic exchange,
as antioxidant,
for prevention of oncopathologies,
for prevention of cardiovascular system diseases.
MCC (carrier), dihydroquercetin, coenzyme Q10, resveratrol, calcium stearate (flowing agent).
How to apply:
Adults and children older 14 years by 1 tablet 1-2 times a day with meal. Duration of reception is 4-6 weeks. Repeated receptions within a year are possible.
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