Peptides Olecap prevention of stroke and heart attack 30 x 0.84g

Peptides Olecap prevention of stroke and heart attack 30 x 0.84g

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Natural angiorestorer on the basis of polynonsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3, Omega-6, tocopherols and tocotrienols class. Effectively slows down growth of atherosclerotic plaques, reduces cholesterol level in blood. Has expressed antioxidant features. It is applied for prevention of presenilation, hypertensive and coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and oncopathology, and also during radiochemotherapy.
violations of fatty acid metabolism,
high level of cholesterol in blood,
coronary heart disease,
prevention of a heart attack and stroke,
states after radiochemotherapy,
prevention of presenilation.
Cold water salmon oil (fish oil), linseed oil, shell (gelatin, glycerin (plasticizer), purified water), retinol palmitate (vitamin A), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), tocopherol mixture (antioxidant).
How to apply:
Adults and children older 14 years by one capsule 2-3 times a day with meal. Duration of reception is 4-6 weeks. Repeated receptions within a year are possible.

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