Peptides Calsil-T calcium source 20 x 1g

Peptides Calsil-T calcium source 20 x 1g

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Complex medicine for extension of active longevity on the basis of calcium, magnesium and also vitamins A, D and E. Influences on key links in the chain of pathogenesis of the accelerated aging, resolving cell activity of all organs and systems, also restoring violated immune and antioxidant status. Prophylactic medicine of osteoporosis and oncopathology.
hypertensive disease,
cerebral insufficiency,
coronary heart disease,
violation of blood clotting,
depression, insomnia,
memory violation,
noise in ears,
rheumatoid polyarthritis,
increased mental and physical activities,
growth delay,
vision organs deseases,
skin diseases,
climacteric period,
prevention of presenilation.
Sugar powder, calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium citrate, the agent regulating adhesion microcrystalline cellulose, vitamin premix containing vitamin A (retinol palmitate), D3 (cholecalciferol) and E (D-alpha-tocopherol acetate), flavor natural identical "Peppermint", flowing agent - calcium stearate, natural dyes "copper complex of chlorophyll".
How to apply:
Adults and children older 14 years - 1 tablet 2 times a day, chewing, with meal. Duration of reception is 1 month. Repeated receptions are possible if needed

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