Leovit Kissel Soothing 20g x 5g

Leovit Kissel Soothing 20g x 5pcs

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as an element of diet therapy for increased nervous excitability.
This drink of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature will be useful for people who value peace and seek to find their own peace of mind, preventing the occurrence of possible conflicts. Kissel Lose Weight in a Week "Soothing" will allow you to fully control your own mood. The product is based on spices and herbs that have a truly beneficial effect on the central nervous system, calm in stressful situations and help with overexcitation or nervous tension. This kissel Leovit can be called an indispensable tool for dietary therapy in conditions of increased excitability of the nervous system.
clinical data.
The main characteristics of the product are its excellent sedative, restorative, vegetotropic, and moderate analgesic effect in relation to pain phenomena of various psychosomatic origins. For children suffering from autonomic dysfunction, hyperexcitability syndrome, Kissel "Soothing" will have a vegetotropic and sedative effect. It will also help with asthenoneurotic manifestations against the background of underlying diseases.
Lose weight in a week drink is able to reduce the degree of irritability, ease sleep, cheer up, relieve fatigue, reduce overall emotional myalgia and lability.
Kissel will be most effective for emotional stress, physical exhaustion, conflict situations, sleep disorders, somatovegetative and asthenoneurotic disorders in people with certain somatic pathologies. The product is recommended for use as one of the elements of diet therapy with an increase in general nervous excitability.
The main components and their action.
Hawthorn has a pronounced cardiological effect and reduces pressure in the arteries, increasing blood circulation. It also reduces the overall excitability of the nervous system.
Nutmeg has a sedative effect and relieves tension.
Motherwort is an excellent sedative, antispasmodic, which is designed to regulate the functional state of the central nervous system, as well as to have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, along with normalizing the process of protein metabolism.
Valerian is a sedative, antispasmodic that helps to significantly reduce nervous excitement.
Melissa is an analgesic, sedative, hypotensive agent that improves digestive functions and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.
Ingredients: fruits (apple, pear), citric acid, motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, turmeric, coriander, nutmeg, lemon balm, flavor identical to natural.
Base: sugar, potato starch, oatmeal
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