Mirra CAVIAR Tonic Lotion for Dry Skin with Silk Peptides and Ginseng 125ml

Mirra CAVIAR Tonic Lotion for Dry Skin with Silk Peptides and Ginseng 125ml / 4.22oz

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Tonic Lotion for Dry Skin is an excellent toning and moisturising skin treatment. The vitamin and amino acid complex, in combination with fruit acids, improves microcirculation, normalises amino acid metabolism and restores the skin's barrier functions. Biologically active herb compounds stimulate metabolic processes and improve cellular respiration. Silkworm cocoon proteins form a protective film on the skin surface, which enables it to maintain moisture for long. The skin looks healthy and fresh, prepared to receive and better absorb the active compounds of the following skincare items - serums, creams, facial masks, etc.
Intensively tones the skin;
Improves tissue respiration and metabolism;
Stimulates cellular regeneration processes.
Gently rub the skin with a wipe or a cotton pad 1-2 times a day.
Skin Type
Dry skin
Normal skin

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