Mirra DAILY Tonic Lotion for Oily Skin with Ginseng and Fruit Acids 125ml

Mirra DAILY Tonic Lotion for Oily Skin with Ginseng and Fruit Acids 125ml / 4.22oz

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The active natural formula helps restore the skin's pH balance, freshen up and mattify the skin. Rich vitamin and organic acid complex with ginseng extract improves cellular respiration and other metabolic processes. Strengthens vascular walls, maintains the skin's acid-alkaline balance, strengthens its barrier and adaptogenic functions, improves local immunity.
Actively tones the skin;
Intensifies cellular metabolism;
Improves skin turgor, moisturises and mattifies the skin.
Apply with a wipe or cotton patches 1-2 times a day.
Skin Type
Oily skin
Problem Skin
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