Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Balm Bifiron 50ml

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Balm Bifiron 50ml / 1.69oz

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Balm BIFIRON is an effective prophylactic treatment for inflammation and keratosis. Bifidobacteria bacteriocins, in combination with marigold and wormwood terpenes, inhibit pathogenic microflora in the area of inflammation, while bioflavonoids help relieve irritation. Essential oil and vitamin complex soothes and tones skin. Patented biotechnological formula actively prevents keratinisation and restores skin structure on a cellular level.
Prevents and removes skin peeling, rough skin and restores skin elasticity. The BAalm nurtures the skin and stabilises its growth functions. Regulates metabolic processes and improves the overall condition of the skin.Balm BIFIRON:
helps reduce inflammation
removes the signs of keratosis
soothes and softens the skin.
Apply to a cleansed face and neck skin morning and evening.
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