Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Balm Protector 50ml

Mirra PROPHYLACTIC Balm Protector 50ml / 1.69oz

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Balm Obereg is a special care treatment for oily and problem skin. Azelaic and salicylic acids, in combination with a powerful antibacterial essential oil complex, inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora in sebaceous glands. St. John’s wort, tansy, marigold flavonols and tannins facilitate the healing of skin lesions and help reduce inflammation. Balm prevents the formation of blackheads and acne, improves sebaceous gland functioning, reduces eruptions and oily sheen, helps achieve matte skin.  
A broad-spectrum antibacterial product;Ensures an anti-inflammatory effect;Cleanses the pores, prevents the overproduction of natural skin oil;Helps achieve better and matte complexion.
Apply to cleansed skin when necessary.
Emulsion complex №1
Skin Type
Oily skin
Problem Skin
Purposes of Application
Acne treatment
Oil control
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