Mirra BIOTECHNOLOGY Balm-Expert 50ml

Mirra BIOTECHNOLOGY Balm-Expert 50ml / 1.69oz

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EXPERT BALM reveals its efficiency during the night's sleep. This product is a real lifesaver for your skin: it restores skin balance and regulates its adaptive potential. Stress is a natural response to enhanced demands that are challenging us today. It affects not only our body in general but each cell in particular. Our skin is especially vulnerable to stress. Physiological changes that take place in our body in response to stress factors, including heat exposure, UV radiation and various irritants, have a negative impact on our skin. Ultimately, chronic stress results in premature ageing, which badly affects the skin. We cannot always reduce the negative impact of stress, but we are able to protect our skin with the assistance of proper skincare products. The main tasks of anti-stress skincare are: 1. maintenance of natural cell regeneration mechanisms and regulation of skin metabolism; 2. strengthening skin resistance to stress, improving immune and adaptive skin potential; 3. reduction of skin reactivity, soothing action. We developed EXPERT BALM bearing in mind all these tasks. Active ingredients, contained in the formula, work synergistically to restore the damaged skin barrier functions, help skin cells absorb the nutrients, inhibit lipid peroxidation, detoxify, moisturise, nourish and soothe the skin. Active anti-stress skincare ensures better metabolism and, as a result, well-groomed, fresh looking and glowing skin.
maintains the natural mechanism of cellular regeneration;
regulates skin metabolism;
improves stress resistance, immune and adaptive skin potential;
reduces reactivity, efficiently soothes the skin;
evens out the skin relief.
Gently apply the balm to cleansed skin of your face and neck 10-30 minutes before you go to bed. The product does not have any gender or age-related indications so both men and women of any age can use it. You can use it separately or in combination with any Mirra Biotechnology serum depending on your skin type and condition.
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