Mirra DAILY Moisturizing cream for dry skin with jojoba and alexandrian laurel oils 30ml

Mirra DAILY Moisturizing cream for dry skin with jojoba and alexandrian laurel oils 30ml / 1.01oz

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The effect of moisturising cream is based on moisture-retaining qualities of Alexandrian laurel and Chilean rosehip oils. Both oils protect skin cells against the loss of moisture, slow down the process of ageing, and enhance the skin's protective functions. Biologically active moisturisers - sodium lactate and salmon fish milt (soft roe) DNA - supply the skin with moisture and prevent its evaporation. Liquid jojoba wax, Alexandrian laurel and flaxseed lipids strengthen the skin's hydrolipidic film. Thick textured moisturising cream excellently softens and smooths the skin, without leaving an oily sheen. A perfect skin care treatment for long-lasting moisturisation.
Actively moisturises the skin and prevents the loss of moisture;
Strengthens the skin's protective barrier;
Mattifies the oily areas.
Apply to cleansed moist skin morning and night.
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