Mirra DAILY Nourishing cream with mummy for dry skin 30ml

Mirra DAILY Nourishing cream with mummy for dry skin 30ml / 1.01oz

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Nourishing Cream for Dry Skin with Shilajit efficiently nourishes the skin, stimulates cellular metabolism, division, and regeneration, improves the oxygen supply. Due to excellent regenerative properties, the cream is especially recommended for windburned skin, after outdoor activities in harsh weather conditions, or for a quick recovery after long exposure to the sun. The cream may also be used by men – for aftershave skincare.
Shilajit Shilajit (otherwise known as "mumio") is a true mineral treasury-house for the skin! It is rich in trace elements, such as zinc, manganese, copper, and iron, that participate in the free radical neutralisation activity. It also contains 15 amino acids that stimulate the skin rejuvenation processes. Overall, shilajit offers a generous compensation of mineral shortage, stimulates skin regeneration, strengthens the tissues and fills the cells with vital energy! Olive oil and legume extracts ensure vitamin supply, nourish and soften skin. The complex of five valuable essential oils tones dry skin and add a refined fragrance to the cream.
Stimulates skin regeneration processes;
Nourishes and tones the skin;
Supplies with trace elements
Apply to the cleansed face and neck skin morning and night.
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