Mirra INTENSIVE Cleansing Mousse 150ml

Mirra INTENSIVE Cleansing Mousse 150ml / 5.07oz

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Efficient facial cleanser for oily, acne-prone skin. Dermatologically mild surfactant complex produces an abundant cleansing foam which excellently removes all the impurities without disturbing the skin's hydro-lipid balance. Lactic acid zinc salt, chamomile and milfoil biologically active compounds regulate the sebaceous gland activity, prevent the growth of pathogenic flora and soothe the irritated skin. The delicate floral aroma of mousse makes the hygienic procedure pleasant and enjoyable.
Delicately and efficiently cleanses the skin without disturbing its epidermal barrier; Tackles the excess sebum production; Efficiently prevents acne and normalises skin flora.
Work a small amount onto the skin into a rich foam and rinse with lukewarm water.
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