Mirra INTENSIVE Sebum-regulating toner 100ml

Mirra INTENSIVE Sebum-regulating toner 100ml / 3.38oz

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A perfectly balanced formula of Seboregulating Tonic contains everything a young or naturally oily, acne-prone skin may require. Fruit acid complex, amino acids and bioactive components of ginseng, chamomile and aloe tone and moisturise the skin for a long time. Biologically active compounds of carefully chosen healing herbs, zinc, azelaic acid and allantoin acetyl methionine clean the pores, regulate skin oil production and help prevent acne. Antioxidant complex ensures complete protection against environmental hazards Seboregulating Tonic perfectly mattifies the skin, relieves irritation and leaves a long-lasting feeling of freshness and comfort.
Intensively tones, moisturises and cleans the skin; Restores the skin's pH balance and regulates the sebaceous gland activity; Prevents inflammation and acne.
Clean the skin with a wipe or a cotton pad 1-2 times a day.
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