Mirra PROTECT Sunscreen Spray SPF 15 100ml

Mirra PROTECT Sunscreen Spray SPF 15 100ml / 3.38oz

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A unique synergistic combination of organic, non-organic and plant-derived UV-filters protects the skin against harmful UV-A and UV-B radiation, preventing sunburn and photo-ageing. A powerful vitamin and biologically active plant extract complex ensures efficient antioxidative cell protection. The spray has a delicate texture, is comfortable and easy to use. Helps achieve a safe, gradual, even and long-lasting tan.
Sunscreen Spray SPF-15 efficiently protects the skin against the UV radiation and neutralises its effects, prevents sunburn. Biologically active plant ingredients and vitamins ensure efficient antioxidative protection.
Apply to skin before sunbathing and swimming on sunny days. The cream maintains its SPF action even after contact with the water.
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